Unveiling the poster of the first national conference "Women's Entrepreneurship and Business" at Tarbiat Modares University

 | Post date: 2024/07/29 | 
Unveiling the poster of the first national conference "Women's Entrepreneurship and Business" at Tarbiat Modares University
This ceremony was attended by Dr. Asadullah Kardanaij, Vice-Chancellor of Tarbiat Modares University, Dr. Khodadad Hosseini, Vice-Chancellor of Planning, Supervision and Information Technology of the University, Dr. Hassan Danaifar, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics, some professors and faculty members of the university and a number of representatives of other universities. and scientific institutions, and the poster of the conference was unveiled. Dr. Asadollah Kardanaij, vice-chancellor of Tarbiat Modares University, expressed his satisfaction at holding such a conference and said: "The discussion of entrepreneurship is well formed in the country today." In this regard, this conference will be held for the first time by Tarbiat Modares University in cooperation with various universities and scientific centers of the country, in order to examine different angles of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the empowerment of women in this field. We hope that by holding this conference, the issue of women's entrepreneurship in the society will be strengthened more than in the past. Dr. Faezeh Eskandari, the executive secretary of this conference, also considered the holding of this ceremony and the pre-meetings related to it to be effective in receiving macro strategies and using collective wisdom in holding this conference as well as possible and emphasized: due to the serious entry of women into the field of work, Employment and social activities and on the other hand the various aspects of this presence from an individual point of view, family and social relations, it seems that holding a national conference in this field is useful and facilitates and accelerates the process of women's entrepreneurship. According to the executive secretary of the conference; The idea of ​​organizing the said conference started in February of last year, and after holding scientific meetings in the form of a committee with the presence of professors and faculty members, 7 of the 50 proposed topics were approved. In the continuation of the ceremony, the members present in the meeting expressed their opinions and suggestions regarding the conference. It should be noted that the first national women's entrepreneurship and business conference will be held on November 27 at Tarbiat Modares University in cooperation with universities across the country, the Ministry of Science, the Organization of Administrative and Employment Affairs and other institutions and departments related to this field.The axes of this conference include entrepreneurship; Women's business and national production with people's participation, women's business in science, technology and various industries, business from the perspective of legal challenges, jurisprudence, etc. Also, those interested in participating in this conference can send abstracts of their articles to the secretariat of this conference until July 31. In addition, if scientific colleagues wish to hold pre-meetings related to this field in their institution or university, they can coordinate with the secretary of the conference hall located in Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Management and Economics.


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